
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cat Beds

Most pet cats spend a good amount of time sleeping on the bare tiled or hard wood floors, especially when it's hot. However, they need more comfortable surfaces to rest and curl up on too.

Popular spots include carpets, rugs, specialized beds, blankets and cushions for cats. Some people also allow their cats to sleep on the sofa, or on human beds with them.

For the cat owner, bedding is not only a way to help the cat feel more comfortable on cold nights or when it is old and its joints need more support, or when it just needs a little more pampering.

Clean bedding is also a means of keeping the cat's coat as clean as possible, for as long as possible. It could even help you stretch the time between one bath and another for the cat.

A blanket or cushion in a pet's sleeping basket is the surface on which the pet is sure to rub off a lot of dirt and natural oils from its coat.

Thus, if you change and launder the blankets or cushion covers regularly - a process that surely means less hassle than washing the cat itself - then the pet stays cleaner for longer, which usually means less frequent baths.

Cat Beds

Perfect Innovation
Cat Bed Attachable to Window Sill

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Healthy and Beneficial Cat Food

How to Pick Good Cat Food?

When my Persian cat was diagnosed with some kidney issue way back when he was still young, we changed his cat food to Science Diet, which had been recommended by the vet. This constituted the cracker kind of cat food, not the wet food that came in cans.

Now in his old age, he has shown more of a preference for the wet food that comes in cans. But as we soon found out, not all wet food in cans are equal. How can you ensure that you are feeding your cat healthy and beneficial cat food?

Well, this article will helps determine what types of cat food is healthy food for your cat.

Safe Cat Food For Health
By Lori Matthews

For the cat lover, their cat is more than a pet; he or she is a valued member of the family. It is essential in maintaining your cat's health to feed a high-quality cat food. Many cat foods and treats claim to have the highest quality ingredients, but not all of them make the grade. In this article we will discuss the essential ingredients to look for in choosing a quality cat food as well as the three to avoid. When you're finished reading, you will have the information you need to choose the most healthy and nutritious food for your precious cat.

When choosing a food or treat, check the label and make sure the first listing is protein. There are many cat foods which will use a filler ingredient such as wheat or corn instead of protein as the main ingredient. Cats are obligate carnivores, which mean that they must eat meat; no matter how wonderful vegetables may be for the health of a human being, they are not essential or even needed to maintain the health and happiness of our feline friends. Feeding a cat food that has wheat or corn as its primary ingredient can lead to health problems in the long run, including joint, skin, coat, and eye conditions. Also, it is important to remember the wheat gluten contamination that led to the recall of so many cat foods as well as multiple deaths in 2007.

Another problem with cat foods that contain corn or wheat gluten is that cats can develop allergies. If you notice that your cat is scratching more, or develops scabs around the head and neck, you will want to discuss with your veterinarian switching your cat to a different cat food that contains higher quality ingredients not found in your cat's current diet.

Many people think premium cat foods are expensive, but in fact, because they have less filler, the cat is able to gain a full day's nutrition eating as little as half the amount as of a lower quality food. As a result, often the cost per day is the same. The difference is, with a high quality cat food, your cat is not immersed in a diet of artificial preservatives such as BHT, BHA or Ethoxyquin, animal by products, or unnecessary fillers. Removing these unfavorable ingredients makes a significant difference in the overall health and well being of your cat, improving quality of life, as well as reducing the likelihood of developing health issues and frequent trips to the vet.

Humans may eat junk food once in awhile but we surely couldn't survive or thrive with a daily diet like this. Imagine now that we tend to feed our felines the same thing everyday. Daily feeding of junk food (which unfortunately some cat food brands are) would not be healthy for them. Sometimes we will see this manifest into a dull coat or bowel/urinary issues. Sometimes we may not see anything wrong. However, as most people know quality nutrition and proper absorption of nutrients is beneficial to over all health and the same is true for our cats.

Whether we have two legs or four, what we eat makes a difference. Avoid animal bi-products, fillers such as corn or wheat gluten, and keep your cat on a food that promotes health.

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit Lifes Abundance premium cat food for more information.

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Why Do Cats Knead With Paws

The first thing my cat does when he enters the house (yes, he likes to roam outside, then enter the house when we open the front door) is to rush to the carpet and knead.

Although we have not de-clawed out cat, his kneading (at times with his claws drawn) have not damaged the carpet. So we have not stopped him from this behavior.

But there had been a time when we often wondered why he had this propensity to do this each time he entered the house from outside.

It turns out that this is one of the normal cat behavior's which cats do to mark their territory. Well, I am in favor of my cat picking this option than cat spraying!

The following is an article explaining why cats knead.

Two Main Reasons Why Cats Knead
By Kelly Braid

Did you ever question why cats knead? There is possibly more than one answer to this.

You have perhaps noticed this cat behavior hundreds of times. Maybe you have been the receiver of it. Cats pick out a prone spot and start working those paws. At times it is simply a soft pawing, other times the claws spring into action. When she is really into it, she is completely focused on the task at hand. Or should we say paw?

Cats seem to have an unfathomable need to knead, and they are rarely concerned with whether they are kneading comfortable couch cushions, their cat bed or your lap.

The question why cats knead is not about how they enjoy such activity, but what motivates them to do such thing. Examine the following two main reasons for kneading cats:

Emotional Security

One great reason why cats knead stems from their early years. Kittens knead their mother in order for them to acquire their life-supporting milk. Kneading on either side of the mom's teat motivates the milk to freely flow. The actions are natural and because they receive a reward, kitty naturally transmits the behavior to other locations in the anticipation of good things to come.

Another theory as to why cats knead is that they may have been separated from their mother at too early of an age. This is commonly thought not to be the case as almost every cat, even those who remain with their mother into adulthood will show this behavior at some point.

For cats, kneading appears to be much of an encouraging behavior as it basically happens during times of contentment and happiness. It is rarely if ever seen when a cat is feeling angry or bullied.

Marking Their Territory

Cats normally knead to ensure that their chosen location is as comfortable as possible however there is another more important reason for this action.

Cats possess scent glands situated in their feet's pads near the bottom of their claws. Every feline creates its own special scent. Humans do not normally detect this scent, but cats and other animals can. Therefore, by kneading your cat leaves a marker to demonstrate where she has been and that you are her property.

When cats want to define the boundaries of their territories, she will paw and also run her claws across the object, leaving those physical markings and a little personal eau de feline in the deal.

Now, you know why cats knead. So, next time you see your cat start to work those pads on your lap, appreciate how important you are to her. She has chosen you and is telling the entire animal kingdom that she considers you her property. Now perhaps you can just smile and bear your cat's unusual behavior.

Kelly is a cat enthusiast. Visit Purrfectly Trained Cat to find out more about the different ways cats communicate as well as information to help fix your cats behavior problems.

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Cats Kneading

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Understanding Cat Whiskers Movement

The cat's whiskers react to stimuli around them, and the movement of the cat's whiskers can tell you what sort of mood they are in. The cat's whiskers move differently when they are happy, threatened, scared or curious.

So if you have ever wondered what to make of your cat's behavior, you can start by looking at their whiskers. The cat's whiskers is like the antenna of cat behavior. Knowing what it means can help you understand your cat better.

Here is an article that explains how to understand your cat whiskers movement.

Enjoy :)

The Wonders Of A Cat's Whiskers
By Leigh Adams

Cats' whiskers are as interesting as a cat itself. The top and bottom rows of cats' whiskers move separately, helping them to use them as wind detectors and as aids in locating the source of odors. Whiskers are also part of a system that allows cats to detect atmospheric weather changes that mean a storm or even an earthquake is headed its way.

Cat's whiskers work like antennae, they help your kitty feel what she cannot see. Although cats see better than humans in the dark, it is a myth that cats have superior night vision. What truly is the case is that their whiskers help to guide them in the dark.

Cats whiskers also help keep a cat balanced. In addition, a cat uses it's whiskers with prey. A cat with a mouse in its mouth will touch the mouse with its whiskers, checking to see if it is safe to put the mouse down without it running away.

On top of all of this, your cat's whiskers speak to you! Cat's say a lot with their whiskers!

Here are a few of their meanings:

1. Drooping Whiskers

Kitty is bored or unhappy, she may even feel sick

2. Twitching Whiskers

Kitty is checking out her surroundings for food or another animal.

3. Whiskers Extended Outward From Mouth And Spread Far Apart

Kitty is happy and calm.

4. Whiskers Pulled Back Tight Along The Face

Kitty is either unhappy or feeling aggressive.

5. Bunched Whiskers Flattened Toward The Face

Kitty is shy or frightened of something.

So the next time kitty is a little bored or needs some more excitement check out your favorite online pet supply store for a new cat toy. Your cat will really appreciate it.

Leigh Adams is an avid dog owner and pet trainer. She is a frequent contributor to this Online Pet Supply Store. When not outside with her dogs Mimmi and SoSo, she enjoys spending time with her ragdoll cat and raising Koi fish in her backyard pond.

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