
Friday, October 23, 2009

Funny Cat Videos | Natural Cat Behavior

Here are some funny cat videos depicting natural cat behavior. Of course, we humans, like to give a spin to the natural cat behavior we see.

Here is a funny cat video that has been making its rounds. The person who gave human words to the cat's yowling made the video really funny. One is supposed to a betrayed girlfriend shouting at the boyfriend. But of course, in reality, it is likely two male cats having a show-down.

This is an intense video showing what happens when two male cats meet. The male cat that is making the loud yowling sound is defending his territory. Basically, he is standing down the other cat - it is his attempt to chase the other cat away.

Funny Cats - Cats Fighting

Our Favorite Domestic Cats Fight
Just like Their Big Relatives
Siberian Tigers!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stop Cat Spraying | Prevent Bad Cat Behavior

How can You Prevent Your Cat from Territorial Spraying?

Cat owners sometimes face the problem of having their beloved pet cats urinate inside the house. How can one stop this cat behavior from becoming an unsanitary habit?

Well, this article I found provides much useful tips on how to stop your cat from territorial spraying. If you can understand why your cat sprays, then you can remove the stimuli that results in such cat behavior.

Cat Behavior - 5 Easy Steps to Stop Your Cat Territorial Spraying
By Ann Wong

Urine spraying is something that all would frown upon, be it cat owners or non-cat owners. Understandably so because this bad behavior can be really annoying. Cats with this bad behavior will constantly look for new places within your house to spray. They can spray on curtains drapes, on the furniture; on your laundries and their target could even be yourself. And the whole house could end with the strong ammonia smell from the urine if they are left unclean.

While this behavior is normal, it can and should be prevented to keep your home odor free. Here are 5 easy steps, which you can follow to control the improper spraying of your cats.

1. Have your cat spayed or neutered
Cats who displayed this spraying behavior are usually the unspayed or unneutered cats that would have reach maturity at an age of 6 months old. The spraying will usually stop once they are fixed. Better still, get them fixed before the spraying starts as it has been found that 90% of the cats will not start spraying if they are spayed or neutered before this unwanted behavior begins.

2. Keep your cat indoor and restrict their movement outdoor.
Spraying is a form of territories marking and this is often sparked off when your cat meets or come into contact with another cat. It's just a natural response and your cat would begin marking its territory and that is your home! Sometimes the mere sight of another cat will also trigger off this territorial spraying and you may even have to restrict your cat's view of the outdoors. Move the furniture away from the windows, pull the drapes or cover the lower portion of the window to keep your cat's view away from the outside. Provide him with an "indoor playground" well equip with toys and cat tree to refocus their attention instead.

3. Gradual Introduction of new Feline Companion.
If you thinking of adding another new member of your feline friends into your family, then make sure you introduce them to each other gradually. Keep them apart at the beginning and slowly let them meet briefly. As they get use to one another, you may increase the "meeting" time till they are eventually at ease with each other. This would help to reduce the incidents of territorial spraying in a multi-cats household.

4. Reduce Stress
Cats can easily be stressed and once they are subjected to stress, they may relief themselves by spraying around the house. Therefore keep stress to a minimum by keeping things routine as much as possible. Do not shift your furniture around the house unnecessarily and keep the litter box at its respective place. When you have visitors, especially friends with cats of their own (in this case, they would have cats scent on them which may causes anxiety in your cat), keep the cats in the room away from your visitors. There are products available that could help calm your cat like Feliway.

5. Remove Urine Odor
Last but not least, if your cat does spray, then make sure that the area where he sprayed on be thoroughly cleaned to prevent re-marking. Use an enzymatic detergent to remove the urine odor instead of just covering it up.

Remember that once you spotted your cat doing the territorial spraying, the sooner you take action, the better. If they are allowed to go on a spraying spree all over the house without you doing anything to stop it, then chances are, it's going to be much harder to stop them once they got used to this habit.

This article is written by animal lover and animal behaviorist Ann. Ann has written numerous articles on cat care, cat health and cats' nutrition. If you find the above article useful, then make sure you check out her site on Best Cat Litter where she reviewed some popular brands of cat litters like Feline Pine Cat Litter, Tidy Cat, Worlds Best Cat Litter.

Article Source:

Well-Trained Cats
Are Cute Cats


Monday, October 19, 2009

Persian Cat Polycystic Kidney Disease

We had a terrible scare just today. Our family cat had lost weight over the course of several months, even though he appeared to eat normally. The weight loss was of concern to us, so we brought him to the vet. But the vet said he was fine, and that the weight loss was due to old age - he was over 16 years old. However, today he appeared distressed, and so he rushed him to the vet again. This time, the doctor was very concerned and suspected kidney disease. So the vet took a blood test. As we awaited the results anxiously, we found out a bit about polycystic kidney disease. Turns out it affects Persian cats.

The results in the end showed that our cat's kidneys were fine, and that he was not having kidney disease. Nevertheless, it was such a scare.

I thought to include this information about polycystic kidney disease for Persian cat owners.

What is polycystic kidney disease?

Persian siloPolycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), first reported in 1967, is an inherited disease in Persian and Persian-cross cats. It has also been diagnosed in British Shorthairs, Exotics, Scottish Folds, and Himalayans. It is a slowly progressive, irreversible disease.

What are the signs of PKD?

Even though affected kittens are born with abnormal kidneys, signs of the disease usually do not appear until the cat is between 3-10 years old (average of 7). Some severely affected kittens, though, may die before 2 months of age. The kidneys of kittens with polycystic kidney disease contain small (less than 1/5 inch: 1mm – 1cm) cysts. The cysts usually contain a clear or straw-colored fluid, but in some cases may contain blood or become infected. As the cat ages, the cysts become larger and more numerous. As the kidneys become more cystic, the normal kidney tissue is lost, and the kidney is less able to function properly. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer keep up with the body's demands.

The most common signs of kidney failure include:

* Changes in urinary habits such as urinating a lot (polyuria)
* Increased water consumption (polydipsia)
* Anorexia (not wanting to eat)
* Depression and listlessness
* Weight loss
* Poor hair coat

The cat may also have:

* Vomiting or diarrhea, which may or may not be bloody
* Ataxia
* Nervous system signs such as seizures or blindness
* Anemia and resulting weakness
* High blood pressure

Although rare, some cats may also develop cysts in the liver. One cat with cysts in the uterus has also been reported.

How is PKD diagnosed?

Kidney failure is generally diagnosed through a urinalysis and a blood chemistry panel. There are many causes of kidney failure, however. To determine if the affected cat has Polycystic kidney disease, an ultrasound examination is generally performed. On palpation, the kidneys may feel enlarged and irregular in shape. DNA testing is available to determine which cats may be at risk for polycystic kidney disease.

An ultrasound can also be used to identify the cysts in the kidney before the animal is showing any signs of disease, even in some kittens as young as 6 weeks of age. Using ultrasound, the diagnosis of PKD in kittens 10 months of age is 98% accurate.

Which cats can get PKD?

PKD is an autosomal dominant inherited disease. This means that a cat only needs one gene for PKD to develop the disease. A cat can inherit the PKD gene from either parent, or both of them. If the cat has one gene for PKD, he is said to be "heterozygous", and if the cat has two genes for PKD, he is said to be "homozygous." If a heterozygous cat is mated with a cat who does not have the genes for PKD, generally half of the offspring would have PKD. In a mating of two heterozygous cats, approximately 3/4 of the offspring would have PKD. A mating of a homozygous cat with any cat will result in all offspring having PKD, since all offspring would receive a PKD gene.

How is PKD treated?

The cysts, themselves, cannot be treated and surgical removal is not feasible since they can be so small and numerous. The cat can be treated for kidney failure, which may include the following:

Intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SQ) fluids may be given to prevent and treat dehydration. Canned foods, which contain more moisture and are often more palatable, may be recommended.

Routine testing to evaluate the acid:base and electrolyte balances in the blood is often performed and any imbalances treated accordingly. Again, IV and SQ fluids are selected and administered to prevent or treat electrolyte imbalances and acidosis (the pH of the blood is lower - more acidic - than normal). Oral medications can also be given to treat acidosis.

Since potassium levels are often low in affected cats, oral supplements and/or fluids containing potassium may be given.

Phosphorous is often elevated, so diets lower in phosphorous, or the administration of medications that can bind the phosphorous may be necessary. Calcium supplements may be necessary to maintain the proper calcium to phosphorous ratio.

Medications, such as metoclopramide or famotidine, can be given to help control any vomiting.

Calcitriol is a medication that may be given to slow the progression of the renal failure associated with polycystic kidney disease. Some studies have shown the cats with kidney failure who are taking calcitriol may appear brighter and more alert, have better appetites and live longer.

Cats with renal failure may develop high blood pressure, and this is treated in several ways. The sodium content of the diet is decreased, and drugs, such as enalapril, can be given. Increasing dietary fatty acids may also help in reducing blood pressure.

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, the waste products that result from the normal breakdown of protein, are elevated in cats with renal failure. These waste products are one of the major causes of vomiting and loss of appetite in affected cats. Protein in the diet needs to be restricted to very high quality protein, which produces less waste products when metabolized.

Cats with renal failure may develop anemia. A hormone, erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells, may be administered along with iron supplements.

How can PKD be prevented?

Cat breeders have the major responsibility of reducing the incidence of this disease. To prevent polycystic kidney disease, cats used for breeding should be PKD negative (not have the gene for PKD). To determine this, all cats used for breeding should have an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, and only cats without lesions should be bred. To prevent transmission of the PKD gene to offspring, animals found to have cysts should be spayed/neutered.

Ultrasound cannot distinguish between those cats that are heterozygous or homozygous for the PKD gene. By examining the heritage of the parents and litters they produce, this determination could be made. If a cat is heterozygous, it is theoretically possible to produce a PKD negative kitten if the cat is mated with an unaffected cat, however, 1/2 of the kittens would be PKD positive.

Source: Veterinary Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
Holly Nash, DVM, MS

Persian Cats | Keep Yours Healthy


Funny Cat Videos | Ninja Cat

Cat lovers love to watch their cats move around and play. Sometimes cats indulge in behavior that may appear funny to us - but are actually natural to them. But this makes it all the more funny.

The funny cat video below shows you that cats can be funny without even trying. And it is all the more funny because the cat in the video is so very serious.

Watch this funny cat video to see what I mean :)

You will be laughing all the way.

Funny Cat Video | Ninja Cat

Funny Cat, So Adorable Cat

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Persian Cats Health Issues

Lately, I have noticed that my male Persian cat has a problem with watery eyes. One of his eye starts to tear. There is a slight mucus like liquid that gathers around his eye.

A quick trip to the vet and I found out that this is one of the more common health issues that afflict the Persian cat.

I found the article below helpful in understanding issues that might affect my Persian cat. An informed pet owner is a good pet owner!

Persian Kittens

Persian Cats - Health Issues
By Frank Will

Persian Cats are by far and away the most popular breed, but there are some very common health problems and a few special nutritional needs required for this magnificent cat.

The breeding habits of some non reputable breeders have made several of these health problems more common in both the Ultra Persian and the Traditional Persian; however, it seems that these issues may be more prevalent with the Ultra breeds.

All health concerns and most problems will all start with the breeder. If you are very serious about getting this breed of cat, make absolutely sure you do as much background checking as you can on the breeder and get as many references as possible.

The Persian cat is perhaps the oldest breed of cat, dating back into the ancient days of Iran, when is what actually called Persia. This magnificent breed has a grace in the way they walk and majesty in their demeanor, but they are also quite lazy, which can lead to some health issues as such as obesity.

Because of their natural dense fur that can be up to 8 to 10 inches long in some cases, they are also slightly more prone to health issues.

But they are by no means unhealthy cats, but they do have some issues.

PDK: Polycystic Kidney Disease

The most common health issue in Persian Cats is referred to as PDK or polycystic kidney disease. This is an inherited disease and was first noticed in the late 1960's but there was not a lot of research on it until the 1990's.

This disease shows up between the ages of three years to ten years in Persians, and it will cause enlarged kidneys as well as kidney dysfunction. Cats that inherit this condition will be born with cysts and all of the problems develop when these cysts start to grow. As they grow and progressively enlarge, the kidney, because of this growth, is reduced in its ability to function properly.

The most serious of conditions will result in the failure of the kidneys and the death of your cat. The symptoms that your Persian has this condition will be a sudden lack of an appetite as well as an increased thirst and need to urinate.

There is currently no known treatment for this disease other than treatments similar to other forms of chronic kidney failure. Because it is only recently understood, there is still a lot of research to be done to devise effective treatments.

Tear Duct Overflow:

This condition can occur in any cat, but is more prevalent in Persians because of the flat features. These features may result in the failure of the tears to drain away properly. Compounding this issue is overproduction of tears which could be caused by infections, allergies, or some form of an irritant.

The natural form of a Persians face also makes drainage a problem due to wrinkling of the drainage ducts, abnormally small tear duct openings, and shallow tear lakes on the inner corners of their eyes. This is believed to be a chronic condition in Ultras because of breeding techniques.

The symptoms that you need to watch for will be a watery discharge in the eyes, tear staining below the eye, or ulcerations as well as obvious irritations to your pet on the skin below the eyes.

Effective treatments for tear duct overflow can include antibiotic ointments and it will be very important to keep the areas around the eyes clean to prevent infections. Trimming the hair beneath the eyes very carefully will also help the drainage. But be very careful.

There are some natural herbal ingredients such as Dandelion and German Chamomile that are natural eye cleaners and are very tonic in nature and quite soothing for your cat. In very serious cases, your cat may require surgery.

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome:

This condition is also one of the more common health concerns in Persians. It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that basically causes your pets hair to turn a smoky blue color. But what is especially dangerous about this condition is the development of nuclear cataracts that are associated with it. These infections can cause a prolonged bleeding in your cat.

Persians affected by this condition are also very prone to infections. There is no known treatment for this condition. Symptoms that you will have to watch for are muscle weakness, nerve problems in the legs, tremors, as well as numbness. In very severe cases there will be seizures, most likely followed by your cat passing, as it can be that serious.

Congenital Ankyloblepharon:

This condition is especially prevalent in Blue Persians. This is a situation where adhesion of the eyelids margin, or stick to each other. This is very common in both puppies and kittens, but very uncommon in adult cats. If this persists, it can result in swelling and infections as well as several serious eye conditions.

A warm, wet cotton ball will usually free the eyelids, but if not, immediate care may be needed.

Urinary Tract Stones:

All cats can have this condition, but it is much more prevalent in Persians. These are small stones that are found within the bladder, and in most cases they are passed with urine. If they puss up and are not passed, it becomes an emergency situation, as it blocks the urinary tract.

Symptoms will be abnormal urine patterns, as well as difficulty urinating or frequent urination. You will also need to watch for cloudy urine, or blood in the urine. These stones are made up primarily of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate.

A low magnesium diet will help to eliminate these stones in most cases.
Hip dysplasia and well as patellar luxation, a condition in which your cat's knee caps slides, are also known health conditions in Persian cats.


These are all health concerns that you need to be aware of when selecting a Persian, but with the correct breeder most can be averted. These cats will also need some special treatments for there gorgeous hair coatings.

You should always look for hair supplements that have all of the B vitamins, as well as zinc and fatty acids to bring out the brilliance of their coats.

The cats are perhaps the most gentle and docile of all the cat breeds. It is recommended to keep them indoors to keep their fur free of parasites as well. Overall, they make wonderful and very affectionate companions, despite some health concerns.

I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.

He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.

After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.

Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.

I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.

Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;

Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets

Article Source:

Persian Cats Pictures

Persian Cat
What's Under that Table?

Persian Cat Playing
Gimme That!

Persian Cat Information

Caring for Persian Cats

Persian Cat Behavior

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Persian Cat Behavior

Ever wondered what your Persian cat means when he narrows his eyes and looks at you? Wish you would understand what he means when he rubs against your leg? Well, I often wondered what my Persian cat meant when he narrowed his eyes, blinked and looked at me. Often, instinctively, I would also narrow my eyes, and blink back at him.

Well, reading the article that I found below helped me understand that my Persian cat was actually in a good mood when he narrowed his eyes, and blinked!

Read on for more on how to understand your Persian cat behavior.

Ginger Colored Persian Cat
Such Cute Paws!!

Cat behavior is often misunderstood because of out inability to read their body language correctly. Cats, just like us humans, use body language to communicate and broadcast information about their feelings and moods, desires, likes and dislikes. Understanding the meaning of various body signals can help you understand your cat’s behavior better, build a better relationship and even predict its behavior in the future.

Cat's feet are useful items and not just for walking and body support. For example, cat's paws knead when happy, or sometimes, if they're really nervous. Kneading goes back to when they were happily nursing close to their warm mothers. Their paws also are able to transfer their scent when they knead or rub them on things. The pads on the bottoms of their feet help to absorb the shock of landing after jumps or falls. Claws extend to attack or can extend when they need to be sharpened.

Vocalizations vary from cat to cat. Some breeds, like the Siamese, are known for being chatty, and will often "talk" to their family. Other breeds are mostly quiet. As you get to know your cat over time, you will learn what the different sounds mean. Your cat may meow when she is hungry, content, or playful. Purring generally indicates contentment. Hissing, spitting, and snarling are expressions of fear, anger, or dissatisfaction. Yowling is a cat-to-cat communication, and is often a cry of the female in heat.

Rapid blinking can show anxiety in some situation but it can also be a sign that a cat has friendly intentions and does not pose a threat to another cat. Half-closed eyes or slow blinking is generally a display of contentment. Some cat owners believe that blinking at their cat, if the blink is returned, is the feline equivalent of giving and receiving a little kiss. Like humans, large pupils (dilation) indicate interest, while smaller pupils mean that your cat isn’t very alert or attentive.

A cat that is ready to fight will try to make herself seem as large as possible. The fur along her spine will stand on end, and she may arch her back.
Her eyes will be narrowed to slits and her ears will lay flat back. Her whiskers will stretch forward.

By misreading your cat’s body language and by responding to its signals in wrong way your cat could develop certain unpleasant behavior problems, he could loose trust in you, become timid, aggressive and unpredictable. If you already have troubled relation with your cat then observing and understanding his body language can provide important information about his feelings and reasons and can be very helpful in solving your cat’s behavior problem.


Adorable Persian Cats Pictures

Doll Faced Persian Cat with Yellow Eyes

Smoky Doll Faced Persian Kittens

Traditional Blue Persian Cat

Persian Cat Information

Caring for Persian Cats

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Caring For Persian Cats

It is not easy to care for a Persian cat. So if you plan on adopting a Persian cat, take the time to study how to care for Persian cats. A pet is a life-long responsibility, but a Persian cat has its own trials.

For one, Persian cats have long fur that is very prone to matting, and must be combed on a daily basis. Persians can also sometimes suffer from watery eyes and breathing problems because of their flat faces. Their faces will need washing periodically.

They also do not like to be alone for long periods of the time, so if you are away frequently, Persian cats should not be your number one choice of pet.

Persian pets are only suitable for people who have the time to care for their long hair and give them the regular affection they need.

Please read more on how to best care for your Persian cat.

Beautiful White Persian Cat

Caring For Persian Cats
By Will Jones

Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat in America, today. Well known for their gentle, sweet personalities and their long hair, Persian cats are also great companions for virtually anyone, and need very little attention.

Persian cats actually come in a variety of colors. They are divided into seven color divisions: solid, silver and gold, tabby, shaded and smoke, particolor, bicolor and Himalayan. No matter what color of Persian cat it may be, they are best noticed during competitions by their long and flowing coats.

Persian cats are not great outdoor cats. Because of their long hair, if left outside for any length of time in weather, their coats can become seriously matted and damaged.

Most short-haired cats have no problem maintaining their own coats through daily self grooming, but this is not so for long-haired Persian cats. It is a good idea to brush
the cat's hair daily or as often as possible. When Persian cats is very young, it is a good idea to start bathing on a regular basis with recommended shampoos, in order to
keep the coat healthy, clean and mat-free.

Another thing that’s common with Persians cats is their eyes. Their eyes are very big and can sometimes be too much for the cat to clean. You'll notice a lot of matting of the hair around the eyes when there is a problem. This is a common health problem with the breed, and should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that it doesn’t get out of control.

The Persian breed is gentle and sweet, getting along great with everyone including kids. They have a pleasant meow and using their meow and their eyes they are able to communicate very effectively with their owners. They are very playful, loved being admired and thought they do not require a lot of attention, they do love it. As with
most cats, the majority of the time, Persian cats love to bask in the sun and show others just how beautiful they truly are.

Although most breeds can be kept indoors or outside, Persian cats should always be kept inside and only allowed to go outside of the house with supervision. Keeping them inside will help protect their coats and also keep diseases and common parasites away from them as well.

To ensure that your Persian cat stays healthy, you should always take him to the vet on an annual basis. With lots of love and a little attention to grooming, Persian cats can live as long as 20 years.

Copyright © 2007 Will Jones

Will is a retired Research Food Technologist who worked over forty years with a major Fortune 500 food company in the Midwest. Product and process development of various types of foods were Will’s expertise. Will’s interests include reading, cooking, fishing, travel and golf.

Will is also a contributing editor for a FREE Informational Website Portal that is dedicated to giving people expert knowledge of real value, to help people them decide!

Article Source:

Persian Cats - Best Pet Companion

Adorable Persian Kitten - Ginger

Bushy-Tailed Persian Cat Posing

Regal Persian Tabby Cat - Cray and White

Absolute Black Persian Cat
with Brilliant Yellow Eyes

Sleepy Eyed Persian Cat - Awwwwwwww

Persian Cat Information

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Persian Cats Information

Persian cats belong to the feline breed of long-haired cat. The Persian cat is one of the oldest and most popular cat breeds. Persian cats are thought to have originated from Persia (today called Iran), and that is why they are called Persian cats. Persian cats are considered one of the more beautiful looking cat breeds. But their long hair (fur) takes far more grooming time than other cat breeds.

The Origin of Persian Cat

White Persian Cat

The Persian is one of the most widely recognised and popular breeds in the world - and one of the oldest. As their name suggests, Persians originate from the country that was once Persia, now Iran, in the Middle East.

Iranian Domestic cats Experts believe that today's domestic cat is the descendent of Felis libyca, a cat that is still found in Africa and Asia. A short-haired, brown mackerel tabby, its adaptation to the environment caused many early mutations, one of which was the development of the long-haired gene. The first of these cats, the Persian, was believed to have evolved on the high, cold plateaus of the country then named Persia, hence their name.

The cats were introduced into Europe by the Phoenicians and Romans in the 1500s as highly valued items of trade. The Europeans were impressed by the Persian.s long silky coat and purposefully bred the cats to perpetuate the trait. By the 1900s the cats were being exported to the United States and since then their popularity has spread throughout the world.

The Persian is the most popular breed among the long-haired cats; others include Birman, Turkish Van, Ragdoll, Mayne Coon, Norvegian Forest Cat and the Exotic (short hair version of the Persian).

In Australia today, while Persians are still out-numbered by the short-haired breeds, they continue to be popular as both a family pet and for showing purposes.

The Persian is a medium to large cat with heavy bones and excellent balance from section to section.


Persian Cat Personality

Persian Cat Walking on a Ledge
Persian Cat with Personality!

Persian cats are affectionate, easy going, docile, very adaptable, and need attention, and love to be played with. They aren't particularly demanding, but most will want to sit on your lap and be petted every day. Some develop a particular attachment to one person in the family, and will want much more time and affection from them than anyone else.

They are good with other pets, and with children. They're very adaptable, and usually cope well if changes occur such as additions to the family, new pets or a house move.

They don't like to be left alone for long periods of time, so if you're out during the day, it's better to keep them with another pet for company.

Their long fur is very prone to matting, and must be combed on a daily basis.

Like the Himalayan cat, Persians can sometimes suffer from watery eyes and breathing problems because of their flat faces. Their faces will need washing periodically.

Whilst their lovely personalities mean they make wonderful pets, they are only suitable for people who have the time to care for their long hair and give them the regular affection they need.


Persian Cat Pictures

Persian Cat with Brilliant Blue Eyes

Ginger Persian Cats

Persian Tabby Cat - Yellow Eyed
Beautiful Cat Face Shape

Gray Persian Cat Resting After Lazy Afternoon Lunch

Caring for Persian Cats


Saturday, October 17, 2009

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